Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Whats that dress made of?"........

Fashion is more than skinny jeans expensive shoes and gorgeous jewelery. Fashion is most definitely an art . A Lot of designers love to express themselves threw making interesting maybe "odd " pieces . Here are a few of my favs. enjoy

This dress is made from *Skittles and M&Ms 

This dress was made out of *Tide boxes 

Well it pretty obvious made out of *teddy bears (lol)....

     Made entirely of laminated and bent wood (and some bolts to hold it all together), this outfit designed by Grace Johnston can actually curtsy! When you pull on the rings at the sides, the cables make the skirt rise
Recently the Flower Council of Holland and Holex Flower designed two gowns made completely of Dutch blossoms that debuted at the opening of the New Amsterdam Pavilion in New York. Designed by Niels van Eljk and Miriam van der Lubbe, the two dresses -- named Miss Blue and Miss Sensuous -- used everything from orchids and roses to dyed asparagus.

Miss Blue weighs 220.5 pounds (or about twice the weight of the average catwalker) while Sensuous is a whopping 385 pounds.

*Well there u have it. Theses are just a some of my favorites. They are odd and beautiful. Go research for yourself . it will surprise you how creative some of theses designers are.
As always love ya'lll

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