Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Crazy poems:

As some of u know i love to write. Even if i dont love all the things i do write lol. Here are some new ones ive been working on :

The night held more sound than images. 
The raindrops
rippling against the windows.
The swishing of tires .
Theses sounds ive become unnaturally fond of.
They have soothed me.
Nights of  needed waves but,
 the best I could get was  the traffic of Austin.
Cars going zag others going zig.
 Echo ripples of rubber and asphalt soothing me to sleep …
Listening to floor boards stretch and creak from the pressures of my neighbor’s feet. “Wonder why they hate us”?
They only hate us cause we’re a reminder of their own financial dept. They don’t want to admit that we all tryn to survive .
That deep down inside ;their just as terrified.
 Wishing we were little kids not mommy and daddies.
Sons, Daughters . Not the care takers of it all……..
Imagine if we stopped…
With actual thought .
we’d notice the conclusions of our actions .
Not the responses of our emotion ready hearts .

(*okay so that one needs a lil work. but ya get the picture :)

Cool cool waters , soothing cool cool waters …

Always a distant traveler of many oceans enjoying the places u and I created .
Sirens past by . Its nothing new .
we treat them like red and blue flashes of lighting in our atmosphere .
 Emergency vehicles are just Chicago’s mores code.

 We created distant places.
 never forgetting  home and its riches.
 In a sense they were some sort of distorted  replicas  of  our geometrical wombs…
Heart ,water, wind, fire. All consuming  all connected .
all  u and me…
Floating , lazily paddling threw life,..

Sometimes being a pirates of others hearts.
In a moment u can have the treasures of their joy…

Finding the riches that others long and still feeling empty.
Empty – what a word that’s says so much but means so less,,,..

Deciding not to face the darkness alone I turn to u …
Even though my untrusting heart says; not to remain.
Longing answers…
 I know  myself would not dear to  answer.
Wishing u’d understand that i understand….
We can be fearless together and we can also be scared,
Will u please allow me the honor of holding u up the way u have done for me many times in the past.
This trust thing isn’t easy my love , it truly takes two : ) sometimes it feels like a smooth romance other times  it feels like the battle of all battles. Gods vs.Gods….
The sun against  the moon …
The other one to the two….equations so complex , their simplicity  seems nothing but untrue….

 (*if u cant tell by now. Its been raining a lot in must of my new stuff has water implemented in them.)
well thats it for now my beloved supporters please dont be shy. Feed bk is always welcomed . 
<3 lots of love

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

crazy find...

I love these two images. I found them on this poet blog. Here is the link to this blog:

If your into poetry and interesting art check it out