Friday, May 20, 2011

CRazie flyazz shades

Sunglasses or as i call them "shock blockerz"(u pull them down when u wanna shock others w your beauty).

Now with so many choices and brands its kinda hard to pick the right one. 
So ive been doing some searching . 
Theses are the ones ive found very pleasing to the eye (yes pun intended lol):

Gucci aviators are really cute. one catch, i think they look better on males vs females.  Now if you have very defined cheek bones or facial features this might work for you. price range for theses r $125 + depends on how much work your willing to put in to find the right price for you. be vigilant. <3

Gucci men , i love the shht out of these!! truth i'd rock the hell out of them! lol Their very similar to the aviators but if you look closely you can see that the bottom of the frames have a circular shape. more round. Where as most Aviators have the oval shape.

Victoria Beckham  sprg-summer 11 line. 
Theses are really cute i like to call this style "shutter bugz" 
Most celebs rock them to feel distance between them and the paparazzi (which btw means mosquito in Italian).
I would suggest strong jaw lines and thin faces for this shade. Also dont go over board w "super" big frames if you are tiny. cause then you will look like a bug. 

 Cat -Eye shades are supposed to be the meow in Cali right now. Their really not my style but shit if they look good on you ROCK EM!
The one on the far left look like shes tryn to hard and its just not working
The one in the middle looks modern and reminds me of black eye peas swagg. im diggn it.

Now the last one on the far right, looks hella chill . almost Retro 70s chic. Notice how she wears a jacket with a lil shoulder padding and a slight arch.
It mimics the shape of her glasses. which to me gives the outfit balance. So even though she has  on a "throw bk "look. The outfit still looks trendy and relevant.

Heart shaped are bk ..
Their very cute . For the ultra girlie girl.
Or your can make them a lil more "rock n roll" by getting the ones with skulls and bones on them.
those are also hot!

Ray bans w flare . I call theses the "kool kidz" look.
They technically dont even have to be Ray bans the common factor amongst them is the shape. They have bright colors and unusual mixes.I really, really like this style . Its playful and has a fresh feel to them .
I also think this is a cross over style . skaters, Bboys kinda put them on the map.
Then celebs made them more main stream .

Classic Banz . You can also get theses in a multitude of colors. these are VERY cute on men!
Esp if they know how to rock with their outfits.

Alright loves thats all i got for ya at the moment ...happy hunting <3 Pinky

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