You play my heart like Harp strings.
stroking gentle melodies of joy & sadness.
Im captivated by my passion for you .
Greedy i am for your love.
Your warmth seeps threw my pores similar to
the suns rayz...sighs...
Entering me spirit magically with
such tenderness ,
small crystal like tears escape from my eyes.
Ive never Felt joy such as this.
all consuming.
Deep breaths do not free my heart of the tightness
of my longing.
Lips tremble to the memory of you
glorious kisses.
raw aching ,
that bends me into two.
I need your strength ...
Embrace me o sweet lover.
Find me in our secret place where no others can roam ...
lets us stand at the edge together
fingers intertwined !
count with me
Jump into life!
Fearless i shall be when im with you.
I Love It and the pic under it, to put a picture to ur words, i applaud you