Crazies in a box is a mixture of fashion that i love and random thoughts. *pretty much my Pinky swagg page enjoy xoxo
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Being the greatest of all time isnt a easy job. You have to let go of all ur internal crap that holds u back from ur greatness. Your only as happy as u allow urself to be.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
"where you been Pinky?"
So , i got a couple of emails asking where have i been the whole month of
Its pretty simple to answer. lol .
first : my charger on labtop broke.
second : DEll (aka fuccrs) to all damn day (like month ) to send new one. when they finally sent new one it was the wrong flippn charger!!!!!!!!!!! gggrrr.
dont even get me started with dell!
thats pretty much it......well there is one more thing i started paln a game on facebok called yoville!!
im hooked i cant lie. so ive also been there. lol
feel so guilty haha. not really . but to the like 5 ppl that read my blog sry! lol
i will do better , and yes im puttn myself in the box for being the crazie one this week.
Its pretty simple to answer. lol .
first : my charger on labtop broke.
second : DEll (aka fuccrs) to all damn day (like month ) to send new one. when they finally sent new one it was the wrong flippn charger!!!!!!!!!!! gggrrr.
dont even get me started with dell!
thats pretty much it......well there is one more thing i started paln a game on facebok called yoville!!
im hooked i cant lie. so ive also been there. lol
feel so guilty haha. not really . but to the like 5 ppl that read my blog sry! lol
i will do better , and yes im puttn myself in the box for being the crazie one this week.
Shutter Island
This Leo flick was really interesting. Now for some reason some people are not feeling this movie. Ive heard some people say it was boring for them or confusing.
Well i say give it time watch the movie . allow urself to follow the trip the director has provided you.
Now it is very disturbing, im not gonna like. some of the imagies are very hard to swallow. I think the director set the mood of this film to be disturbing . to feel like a mental and physical maze. I enjoyed it. iI like Leos charecter. give it time. i wouldnt say this is a "lets go to the movies " movie . but its a deffinate MUST RENT.
side note* i would not watch this movie with friends or family that talk alot during movies.
Well i say give it time watch the movie . allow urself to follow the trip the director has provided you.
Now it is very disturbing, im not gonna like. some of the imagies are very hard to swallow. I think the director set the mood of this film to be disturbing . to feel like a mental and physical maze. I enjoyed it. iI like Leos charecter. give it time. i wouldnt say this is a "lets go to the movies " movie . but its a deffinate MUST RENT.
side note* i would not watch this movie with friends or family that talk alot during movies.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Another day.
So i was looking threw one of my childhood friends facebook pictures. I realized how old im getting by her life. She has kids been married the usual things people our age do.
I dont feel sad or happy , i just feel like "where the hell did all that time go".
i suppose threw everyones life once you've gone threw a certain amount of stuff u find yourself saying or thinking that. jeez. i just never foreseen myself being one of those people. The Sayers of time lost or spent.
anyways on another note , Matt birthday was on tuesday . We're planning on all getting together on saturday to celebrate this should be interesting ,,trust!
I have a couple reviews to put up between today and tommarrow. also have to place the crazie of the day up.
will do asap.
lots of love
I dont feel sad or happy , i just feel like "where the hell did all that time go".
i suppose threw everyones life once you've gone threw a certain amount of stuff u find yourself saying or thinking that. jeez. i just never foreseen myself being one of those people. The Sayers of time lost or spent.
anyways on another note , Matt birthday was on tuesday . We're planning on all getting together on saturday to celebrate this should be interesting ,,trust!
I have a couple reviews to put up between today and tommarrow. also have to place the crazie of the day up.
will do asap.
lots of love
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Review :Book of Eli
This movie was interesting. its hard to put my finger on how i feel about this flick.
There is a twist on the end of it. Is it worth going to the mvies ithink not. this is a rentable.
i wish i could say better but if it wasnt for D.W then it would have proally bombed .
Watch it on dvd . if u must go and see it keep an open mind.
3/5 stars
There is a twist on the end of it. Is it worth going to the mvies ithink not. this is a rentable.
i wish i could say better but if it wasnt for D.W then it would have proally bombed .
Watch it on dvd . if u must go and see it keep an open mind.
3/5 stars
Friday, January 15, 2010
Its Complicated Review:
- Synopsis:
- Writer/director Nancy Meyers ('Something's Gotta Give,' 'The Holiday') directs Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin in 'It's Complicated,' a comedy about love, divorce and everything in between....
- The start of the movie was some what slow. after about 20 minutes of so its starts to really get going.
- There was lots of laughs. some of it was some what predictable. even still it really had me grabbing my stomach laughing with tears in my eyes!
- You could clearly see that this was written by the same person who wrote "something gotta give" which was also very funny. I really did enjoy the moral conflicts and meaningful insights of the characters. This is mature movie. So this might be a hard sell for date night movie for a new couple. Its not a full chic flick but their are moments . This is a sunday movie for sure. i wouldnt rush out to the movies to watch this one. this is a rental no questions asked. I give this one a 9/10 pretty funny enjoy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Movie Reviews pre-view,
The Movies im checking out this week:
Youth in Revolt
Its complicated
*reviews will be in later this week.
Youth in Revolt
Its complicated
*reviews will be in later this week.
True blood season 2
I just spent 2 nights of my life watching all of season two of "true blood". I love the show have yet to read any of the books. Season two was interesting with new myths and bad guys (or should i say bad girls).
Wasnt too happy with the finale. Season 3 starts in june I cant wait!!
Wasnt too happy with the finale. Season 3 starts in june I cant wait!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
why am i finding myself hung over and smelling like smoke. Last nights events have left me in a haze. lol. wow. Nay............grrrrr. this is what happens when u go out with nay. You wake up the next day feeling like you got hit by a mack truck. i should of known better , maybe i did . Im going back to sleep.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
keep ur fingers crossed
Im about to go hang out with nay. Im a little worried that i might smoke. must stay strong.
anyways i hope everyone has a safe and fun saturday will update everyone of my evening later when i return.
fingers crossed~
anyways i hope everyone has a safe and fun saturday will update everyone of my evening later when i return.
fingers crossed~
Another day same shit.
Im trying my very hardest to maintain a level of peace. Everyone and their mama seems to be dead set on getting under my sick today. i havent touched or smelled a damn cigerrette. Maybe im a little on the edge due to that fact but, even still these ass hats who at this time will leave nameless . HAve been driving me nuts with their childish behavior and needy ways. More like selfish ways.
anyways im hoping to feel better. im going to relax and try to clear my mind. poeple above me still sound like jurrasic park but what can i do. Gawd.
anyways im hoping to feel better. im going to relax and try to clear my mind. poeple above me still sound like jurrasic park but what can i do. Gawd.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Assholes below me.
Im so sick of the jerks that live below me with their evil as mute they call a "puppy".
They are louder than anyone in this building . Yet if they love calling the building mgt. on everyone else. Or the cops.
Assholes arent even the words. Their fucking dog barks at anything that moves or makes even the smallest noise.
I feel like church stomping on my hardwood floors! Their assholes but the peolpe above me sound like a damn zoo. The walls above my head sound like there gonna cave in.
I can always hear them talking over their loud tv. I do understand that my building is old it was built in the 1920's . The space between each floor is thin. almost like rice paper. lol
All im asking if for them to consider shuting the fuck up once in awhile As for the Aholes down stairs if u hate being on under all of theses floor next time move to the top floor.
Cause for as loud as my upstairs neighbors can be i do try to understand the levels of noise threw out the week and weekend.
They are louder than anyone in this building . Yet if they love calling the building mgt. on everyone else. Or the cops.
Assholes arent even the words. Their fucking dog barks at anything that moves or makes even the smallest noise.
I feel like church stomping on my hardwood floors! Their assholes but the peolpe above me sound like a damn zoo. The walls above my head sound like there gonna cave in.
I can always hear them talking over their loud tv. I do understand that my building is old it was built in the 1920's . The space between each floor is thin. almost like rice paper. lol
All im asking if for them to consider shuting the fuck up once in awhile As for the Aholes down stairs if u hate being on under all of theses floor next time move to the top floor.
Cause for as loud as my upstairs neighbors can be i do try to understand the levels of noise threw out the week and weekend.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The CraziE list :
Today's crazie for the box would have to be Dennis Rodman. Former Bulls(NBA) player.
All around attention seeking athlete.
He is now the newest member of "Celebrity Rehab " with Dr.Drew. Now i wouldnt have a problem with him going if he was really looking to get help . This man within the first 20 minutes, starts going of about "only being here cause of court". He's nothing like the rest of them. Their all below him ect ..bullshit ..ect.
I just wanted to smack him in the face with my remote.
The man thinks he's a God surrounded by peasants. Im so over this fool already. His lips looked crazy as all hell. They looked like he had been sucking all types of c*$# from chicago all the way to L.A.
Like WTF Dennis is this what fame as done to you. Im shocked for a moment and then i remember how you used to act even ten years ago. Getting married in a wedding dress , running around with neon colored hair. Acting a fool in the league. Having every flippen coach in the NBA praying they didnt end up with you.
All i know is that your gonna not make it threw the whole thirty days. No way , i really do doubt it.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Today CrAZie of the day :
Today is the anniversary of Tonya Harding having fellow figure skater Nancy Kerrigan's knees bashed in.
On Jan .06. 1994 by tonyas ex-hubby/crack head husband. He decided to "ice" Kerrigan by beating her left (or right knee i dont remember lol) with a metal-baton.
They got busted and Kerrigan won silver that year in the Olympics. Became America's sweet heart and spokes model for several major companies.
While u Tonya have been branded a Mad house. also youve become some what of a D' lister..well more like F' lister in Hollywood appearing where ever u can in Hollywood.'
So get in the box Tonya your the crazie of the day. Enjoy everyone remembering ur shameful attempt to win the Olympics by literally "taking out " the competition
is this really what has become of you kid! jeez what a hot mess.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Rest in peace Prince A. Your poetry was painfully moving. i feel sorry for the worlds lost of your words.
I never fully understood the sadness of your heart.
Now threw your death more people will read and see your talent.
ITs a shame how most dont understand art until it becomes a rarity.
I pray that your friends and family honor you, with respecting your craft.
God Bless
The Crazie List
Today CrAzIes to be put it the box are:
Spencer and Hedi Pratt...
Where should i start with these cashews...or should i say "cashwhores".
Wanna know how to sell your soul for fame and fortune?
Buy, and attempt to read these loones book "how to become famous?" I do and will continue to watch this couple on tv make asses of them selfs! They are funny and extremly stupid. Their stupidity is what makes them popular. They are the industry love of reality tv and Americains funniest videos. I refuse to touch their book their so despratly pushing on the public. If u own it tell no one lmao not even ur preist. They will all laugh at you, then stone you with balled up tv guides lol.
Spencer and Hedi Pratt...
Where should i start with these cashews...or should i say "cashwhores".
Wanna know how to sell your soul for fame and fortune?
Buy, and attempt to read these loones book "how to become famous?" I do and will continue to watch this couple on tv make asses of them selfs! They are funny and extremly stupid. Their stupidity is what makes them popular. They are the industry love of reality tv and Americains funniest videos. I refuse to touch their book their so despratly pushing on the public. If u own it tell no one lmao not even ur preist. They will all laugh at you, then stone you with balled up tv guides lol.
Today hasnt been as hard as last night. I spoke with my other dearest friend Naomi. whom is also no longer smoking as of late. she told me she threw hers out the window last night.
my first thought was "like throwing money out the window , literally." those damn things wore also getting waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy to expensive!!!
So she helped me by expressing her understanding of how hard this non smoking thing will be and has been.
I found strength in her words. Safe to say today has been alot easier.
*side note for cher and Rob u all might be the first family of Looniesville , but i do recall being resently proclaimed as a "Vicking" . If im not mistaked (lol) Rob even has a sound effect that he makes every time he sees me drink beer, haha.
my first thought was "like throwing money out the window , literally." those damn things wore also getting waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy to expensive!!!
So she helped me by expressing her understanding of how hard this non smoking thing will be and has been.
I found strength in her words. Safe to say today has been alot easier.
Monday, January 4, 2010
almost 72 hours
i for some reason got up on sunday morning and decided i didnt want to smoke anymore. after 8 years of smoking cigarettes.
yesterday went well. during the day pretty okay. minus the random outburst of anger (lol not kidding).
i feel under pressure. normally when i got this feeling the past i would just smoke.
I know its because i cant even watch a movie and not see them.
gotta stay strong . my heart has already made the choice for me. so i just need to stick with it.
grrr.---frustrated isnt even the word.
yesterday went well. during the day pretty okay. minus the random outburst of anger (lol not kidding).
i feel under pressure. normally when i got this feeling the past i would just smoke.
I know its because i cant even watch a movie and not see them.
gotta stay strong . my heart has already made the choice for me. so i just need to stick with it.
grrr.---frustrated isnt even the word.
Crazie list:

Lady Gaga- ur on my crazy list for just being u play girl. ur a nut for sure so get in the box with pride my dear.
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